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Rochelle, Illinois: Infrastructure Puts City on Path to Economic Growth
1221 Currency CtSte ARochelle, IL 61068USGallery

Rochelle, Illinois, nicknamed the "Hub City" for its transportation infrastructure, demonstrates how strategic economic development can pave the way for future prosperity. The Greater Rochelle Economic Development Corporation (GREDCO), formed by dedicated citizens in the late 1970s, spearheaded Rochelle's transformation. Starting small, they strategically invested in and revitalized properties, using the profits to fuel future projects. This reinvestment strategy ensured their efforts' sustainability and sent a strong message – Rochelle was committed to growth.
A critical component of GREDCO’s planning involved developing a city-owned rail system, the City of Rochelle (CIR) Rail Service. Consisting of three interchange rail yards, two transloading yards and twelve miles of mainline track, the CIR can assist transload services to industries throughout Northern Illinois, Eastern Iowa, and Southern Wisconsin. Revenue generated has been reinvested into infrastructure for over 20 years, including eliminating railroad crossings that congested traffic. The resulting network of bridges and viaducts improved traffic flow into a smooth-running transportation system essential in attracting new residents, families, and businesses.
GREDCO's vision paid off, as its efforts attracted millions of investments, including Fortune 500 companies. In 2022, the City of Rochelle and Rochelle Municipal Utilities completed a $13.8 million electrical substation to serve new industrial growth with 34.5kv and 13.8kv service. The Rochelle Intermodal Transload Center, a rail-truck transload site located on the CIR site, became operational in 2024 for various shipping services.
Rochelle's story is about vision and a commitment to creating a thriving community. What began as a commitment to infrastructure has delivered an influx of investment, solidifying Rochelle's position as a central economic hub, potentially strengthening the tax base and generating revenue for the community. This robust financial foundation becomes critical when considering future investments in essential services.